News, updates & trivia
31 December 2024 - See the message on the Home page - the site is no longer being updated and the Online Shop is closed
News about riders, the site and other trivia will be published here . . . if you have news then please use the Contact/Enquiry form.
Two friends (Jenni, left, and Rachel) of the webmaster have set off from Stratford-upon-Avon today - by train to Thurso, by ferry to The Orkneys and then back to John O'Groats to start their JOGLE - listed in the calendar as J & R's Mad Adventure.
They are planning to take about three weeks with camping or bed & breakfast accommodation ... taking a route via the Mull of Kintyre and Arran. Much of their route south of the border follows the webmaster's LEJOG in June 2010 (hopefully they'll work out that they are going the other way on the map!)
Planning and preparation has been going on for months ... but still involved a special overnight express delivery of a barbag from Chain Reaction Cycles that arrived this morning (which the webmaster fitted to Jenni's bike before taking the girls and their bikes to the station) .....
There MAY be updates from time to time ... if you are on the road, watch out for them!
The calendar is showing 14 rides in progress as at today - it was 15 yesterday. If your ride isn't listed yet just complete the online form.
At the end of the summer I intend to analyse the rides and publish some stats on direction, number of days etc.
At last, all the railway tickets are booked.
The train timings meant that we have an overnight stop en route to the start in Bristol - the journey is now: Stratford-upon-Avon to Birmingham and then to Bristol, overnight in Bristol and train to Penzance to ride to Land's End - the return is a minibus/trailer from John O'Groats to Inverness to catch a train to Edinburgh (although we are planning to get off at Inverkeithing to ride over the Forth Road Bridge) Overnight in Edinburgh and a train to Birmingham then Stratford-upon-Avon.
The upside is that other than the Edinburgh-Birmingham sector all the fares are at massively discounted costs. AND for those that have read the ticket saga in Journal 176, we have the actual, physical cycle tickets!
A quick look at the ride calendar shows that between 25 April 2010 and 21 September 2010 there are just 4 days (in July) when there are no recorded riders doing either LEJOG or the JOGLE.
The Ride Across Britain, led by James Cracknell, has just been listed - it's a JOGLE from 12 - 20 June 2010
Posted 31 March 2010
Not really news, but may be of interest/value.
Is anyone planning to travel at the start/finish of their E2E at the JOG end on Sunday 20 June 2010?
We (that's the Rob the webmaster & Jon) have private transport booked for passengers and bikes and would be willing (nay, keen!) to share the cost - we are going JOG-Inv in the morning ... any permutation of direction, passengers, bikes should result in an advantageous deal for all of us.
Please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you are interested.
Posted 13 March 2010
It's clearly "the season" for End-to-End ride planning . . . hits on the website have soared in the last three or four weeks to around 500 a day and growing.
Don't forget there's now a Forum where you can discuss the ride/ask questions/seek advice etc - see the link over on the left.
I'm still working on ideas for the site ... if you have any thoughts for content or improvements please e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Posted 13 March 2010
Starting to get into organisation mode now and trying to book railway tickets from Birmingham to Penzance, and then from Inverness to Birmingham via a stop-over in Edinburgh - the process is horrendous with the National Rail website appearing to be totally inconsistent with journey possibilities.
Posted 21 January 2010
The account of Rob (the webmaster) and Jon's French End to End is now available. The book has a foreword by Edward Enfield, author of Downhill All The Way, the inspiration for the trip.
The 200+ page book comprises day-by-day accounts of the ride together with photographs and a 44 page fully detailed route map. The CD also contains an A5 landscape version of the marked map to print and use on the road.
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