News, updates & trivia


31 December 2024 - See the message on the Home page - the site is no longer being updated and the Online Shop is closed

News about riders, the site and other trivia will be published here . . . if you have news then please use the Contact/Enquiry form.


Posted 11 January 2010

I have installed an automated translation module (see bottom left menu column).  The translation is supplied by Google and is "as is" - no responsibility for accuracy of content or any unfortunate or offensive translations. 

If you use the translation module you will need to switch it off with the X in the Google header band that appears.


Posted 9 March 2010

Ride listings are coming in almost every day, a look at the calendar for the period from mid-April to September shows almost no days when there aren't riders on the road.  

At the end of the "season" I'll try and publish a league table of LEJOG vs JOGLE rides to see whiich is the more popular, and the margin.



Posted 14 April 2009

I am making progress migrating the original Ultimate list, although unfortunately there are quite a few "dead links" - a few of the early Journals have been transferred but I'm now concentrating on migrating the latest journals first - those that are also in the Library are still in the BIG list but the text is struck through

A reinstall of the Forum software seems to have fixed most of the issues - so I have added the Riding Companions section as a category in the forum - that way it is self managing.

Finally - I'm delighted to say that in the past week a steady trickle of new Journals has arrived and been added to the site.

Posted 12 April 2009

As reported earlier, there were some problems with the form/submission component - it has now been replaced, tested and some Journals have been received .

IF you submitted a Journal OR sent a message using a form on the website between 0001 5 April and 2200 12 April 2009 please resend.   Apologies for the confusion . . . it all now appears to be working OK

- webmaster

Posted 10 April 2009

  1. A new section has been added for riders seeking companions - there's a tab under Resources over on the left. When the Forum is working I intend to add an area to serve this purpose, with it being self-managed.

  2. An experimental Calendar over on the right where rides are entered  (by the webmaster)   Clicking on the calendar should list all those rides which are in progress - together with rides that have been completed or are planned.  Yet another form will be added in the next few days to submit upcoming rides


Posted 9 April 2009

The issue affecting the sending of forms/submission of Journals etc has been resolved.



Posted 2 April 2009

The Cycle : End-to-End website is now live!   The content is being added to and edited constantly, hopefully with minimum disruption for users.

The Journals ... and the Library The major task is moving the list of Journal links from The BIG List page into The Library of Journals - there are about 300 entries that have to be done manually (when that's complete it's easy to maintain!)

Posted 28 March 2008

The core website structure has been created with the menus etc. - initially there is an item called "The BIG list" - this is just what it says, it's a single page with over 300 Journals* listed in descending numerical order (that means it's sort of in date order going backwards).